“Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter.” ~Ansel Adams

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Morning Fog

Early morning fog in rural Seguin.

There's nothing quite so peaceful as a foggy morning. It brings to my mind a stroll in the stillness, as I enjoy my morning coffee and indulge in enjoying a quiet morning.


Steve Buser said...

I have done a few fog shots in my time, but I find they are not as easy to do as most people think. Good job.

Thanks for you kind comments on my blog. Tomorrow on http://neworleansdailyphoto.blogspot.com
the kids really get up in momma egret's face over a slow meal.

Dan said...

Nice job Tammy. You are right, these are very peaceful pics. Its good to have these handy, a peaceful oasis when the day starts to get crazy!

E @ Scottsville said...

I really like the first one. Its beautiful.

Profile Not Available said...

Welcome, Tammy! You really did a great job capturing the fog! I especially like the first photo!

Tom said...

Hi Tammy
These are charming shots.