I just love downtown Seguin at night, especially Central Park with the colorful fountain in its center. I highly recommend the next time you're at the coffee shop, take your cup and walk out the door and across the street and just sit on a nearby bench watching the changing colors. Very relaxing and meditative. Sort of like sitting and staring into a fire. Mesmerizing.

Ha ha ha! We just always do this! Go look at what I posted this afternoon!
Great shots, by the way. =0)
Love that fountain! I can stare at it for a long time too.
Have we gone there during one of my not very frequent visits??? Good place for a senior picture or two.... :)
Tammy, these are spectacular pics. Wonderful job.
I grew up three blocks from the square, and to this day I never get tired of taking a stroll. Great pics!
These are some nice photographs. It makes things look very nice.
Beautiful fountain and Christmas decorations. Thanks for sharing.
You have such a good eye for photography - I always enjoy your photos. The fountain pics are very nice, but I just love the sidewalk pic - the color & the relaxing feel or mood that it sets. Great shot!
Happy Thanksgiving Tammy! I hope you and your family will have a wonderful holiday weekend together, filled with love and fun.
Ha from me too! My self imposed ban on pre-Christmas photos ends tonight!
Yours are only the second I've stumbled across, and they are a terrific start to the season!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
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